

〒604-8027 京都府京都市中京区河原町通四条上ル塩屋町332 マロニエビル2階 

MARONIE Bld 2F, Shioyacyo 332, Kawaramachi.st, Shijyo-agaru Nakagyo-ku,KYOTO JAPAN

TEL : 075-212-3153

・阪急電車 四条河原町駅下車 徒歩5分 河原町通東側を三条方面へ

・京阪電車 祇園四条駅下車 徒歩10分 四条大橋を渡り、河原町通東側を三条方面へ


 市バス・京都バスの場合 四条河原町下車

 地下鉄烏丸線 四条駅下車 徒歩15分

Since 1994



In April, 1994 we started business as a gallery specializing in contemporary crafts and crafted products, becoming independent from Gallery Maronie which has been operating since 1966. We deal in ceramics, glasses, textiles, jewelry, lacquer ware and more, all made by artists for everyday use. Their works will present you an enriched everyday life with original color and design. We select high quality and usability works. We also have an exhibition floor for crafts works. There is always a new exhibition every two weeks.